Our company produces, sells and rents construction equipment.
Below we present our detailed offer on the Shuttering Countertops and the Scaffoldings.
  Shuttering Countertops  

- Shuttering Countertops ACROV
    in different sizes and accessories:

- flat ties produced for every wall thickness,
- wedges to strapping
tops shuttering,
- keystones (in 3 sizes: long, medium, short) sale and rent.
Shuttering Countertops ACROV
flat ties produced for every wall thickness
Shuttering Countertops ACROV
wedge and the keystones in 3 dimensions

- Complementary worktops
produced in widths:
- 7,5 cm,
- 10 cm,
- 20 cm,

produced in different lengths:
module every 30 cm.

supplementary Countertops supplementary Countertops

- Inside corners
produced in widths:
- 15 cm x 15 cm,
- 30 cm x 30 cm,

produced in different lengths:
module every 30 cm.

Inside corners Inside corners

- Zero angles "0"
produced in different lengths:
module every 30 cm.

Zero angles Zero angles

- Warsaw scaffoldings

Warsaw scaffolding frame produced by our company has two crossbars, which increases the rigidity and facilitate the transfer of items.

Warsaw scaffoldings Warsaw scaffoldings

- Connections for tubular scaffoldings

Connections for tubular scaffoldings Connections for tubular scaffoldings
- longitudinal connector,
- cross connector,
- cross-turn connector
on the 1.5-inch pipe..

Product attribute:  -sale, -rent


*Detailed information on construction equipment rental, call: 00 48 12 277 22 23